Regular Meeting Schedule for 2024
7:00 PM, Town Hall, Room 205
Please check calendar for possible date, time and room location changes.
January 11 |
February 8 |
March 14 |
April 11 |
May 9 |
June 13 |
July 11 |
August 8 |
September 12 |
October 10 |
November 14 |
December 12 |
Commission Members
Frank Pauza |
Member |
David Solaz |
Member |
Vacancy |
Member |
Vacancy |
Member |
Vacancy |
Member |
Vacancy |
Member |
Vacancy |
Member |
Vacancy |
Alternate |
Vacancy |
Alternate |
Vacancy |
Alternate |
Mission/General Information
The Strategic Plan Commission shall have 7 regular members and 3 alternate members, who shall be appointed on a rotating basis as terms expire.
The initial term, regardless of date of appointment, shall be effective as of January 15, 2019, for purposes of determining terms in accordance with this section. Initially, 4 regular members and 1 alternate shall be appointed to a term of 4 years, and 3 regular members and 2 alternates shall be appointed to a term of 2 years. Thereafter, all members shall serve a term of 4 years on a rotating basis as terms expire.
Scope of Responsibilities
The Strategic Plan Commission shall serve in an advisory only capacity, advising the Board of Selectmen, and such other commissions, departments, and offices as the Board of Selectmen may require, as to the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan Commission shall monitor the Town’s progress concerning implementation of the Strategic Plan and update the Board of Selectmen accordingly, recommend changes to the Strategic Plan to the Board of Selectmen, advise and provide recommendations to the Board of Selectmen to facilitate implementation of the Strategic Plan, and engage in such other activities as may be directed by the Board of Selectmen from time to time.
As an advisory only body, the Strategic Plan Commission shall have no authority to directly implement the Strategic Plan and shall not and is not meant to replace the duties and responsibilities of any other Town commission, department, or office.
You can contact the Strategic Plan Commission at
Minutes and Agendas
Listing files in 'Strategic Plan Commission'