I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful (but hot) summer!
Our Parks and Rec department has many offerings continuing throughout the summer. Check them out on our website www.southbury-ct.org/parkrec.
Family Fun Night at Ballantine Pool takes place July 30th! Come on by for an evening of fun from 5-7 pm. The event is free - no pool membership needed to attend.
On August 1st at 6pm, join us for a concert by Rubber City on the Town Hall Green.
A reminder that the repair of the Flood Bridge Road and Heritage Road Bridges continues. The project consists of the rehabilitation of both bridges including the bridge decks and repair work to the underside of the structures. Flood Bridge Road will be closed for the duration of construction whereas Heritage Road will be staged during construction, allowing partial use by motorists. Duration of the project is 3-months with an approximate opening of the bridges scheduled for October 27, 2022 or sooner.
August 1st is the last day to pay taxes without penalty. You can verify or pay your tax bill(s) online at www.southbury-ct.org/payingtaxes or visit the town hall during normal business hours.
Please keep in mind that with summer storms comes the potential for power outages. Please take the time to check your emergency supplies; batteries, water, medications, etc. Visit our website for more information www.southbury-ct.org/emergency-planning.
The Town of Southbury is moving to a new emergency notification using the Everbridge platform. Registration will be available on the town website in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more information.
The Market takes place every Thursday from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at the Southbury Town Hall Green until October 6th. A variety of vendors have booths outside the Town Hall for you to visit. These booths include assortments of plants, vegetables, fruit, prepared foods, baked goods, and much more!
The Strategic Plan Commission is looking for a volunteer to fill the position of alternate. If you are interested or would like more information please visit our website www.southbury-ct.org/strategicplanning.
Additionally, there are several other boards and commissions that are looking for volunteer members. Visit www.southbury-ct.org/boards.
If you need to cool off, stop by the Southbury Public Library, and while you're there check out their fabulous exhibits, books, and programs.
Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing remainder of the summer.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman