Good afternoon, Southbury Residents!
I hope you all have been enjoying the Summer and have had the opportunity to attend a few of the fun summer events that took place in Town. There are plenty more activities scheduled. Check out our events calendar for details on this Saturday’s Connecticut Arts & Eats and our Annual Southbury Celebration on September 9. If you haven’t stopped by the Southbury Farmers Market yet, you still have until October 19 to purchase fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables and other items like baked goods.
With the start of a new school year, I want to remind everyone to drive carefully, slow down in school zones and stop for school buses. Children are more vulnerable at this time of year, so let’s do our part to ensure children get to and from school safely.
Whatever you are doing during these last days of summer, please have fun and be safe!
Best Regards,
Region 15 schools are ready to welcome children back to school. I’d like to extend my best wishes to all our students and educators for a productive and successful school year and thank Region 15’s first-class leadership team and faculty for their commitment to excellence in education and dedication to the young people of Southbury. I am looking forward to attending the Opening Day Convocation tomorrow at Pomperaug High School.

To help prepare our students for the new school year, Social Services Director Mary Silverman recently distributed backpacks, school supplies and sneakers to over 100 children living in Southbury and attending Region 15 schools. The school supply donations were received through the generosity of the Southbury Women's Club Operation Backpack while the Southbury Needy Fund donated the sneakers. Operation Backpack is an annual program that provides school supplies, ranging from pencils to scientific calculators, to ensure children start the year off ready to succeed.

The Tribury Rotary Club held a Community Baby Shower event in participation of their Rotary Day of Service. Diapers, wipes, baby food, and other essentials were collected and then donated to Southbury Social Services for distribution to those in need. Looking at our Social Service’s overflowing baby supply cabinet is surely a great feeling!
Thank you to the Southbury Women’s Club, Southbury Needy Fund and Tribury Rotary for assisting Social Services in supporting the needs of our families and children. Your donations are making a significant difference in people’s lives.
On August 17, the Board of Selectman voted unanimously to pass an ordinance banning all types of cannabis establishments in Town as well as an ordinance banning the use, sale, gift, or trade of cannabis products on Town Properties. This includes but is not limited to cannabis or marijuana cigarettes or cigars or pipes, vaping devices, vaping substances, and edible substances.
The Board of Selectman approved the ballot question and explanatory text to place on the November 7th ballot for Southbury citizens to decide if they wish to have an independent police department. After months of research collected by the Police Services Study Committee on the pros and cons of both options, which are: keeping our current police structure as a Resident Trooper Town or forming our own Independent Police Department, the matter will be brought to vote. Click here to review the Southbury Police Study by the Police Services Study Committee.

End of Summer Picnic
The September 5th registration deadline for the Senior Center Members’ End of Summer Picnic is quickly approaching. This year’s picnic, sponsored by Church Hill Village, will be held on September 14 at 11:30 a.m., and will include food, fun, games, and dancing at beautiful Ballantine Park for a $5 fee.
Weekly Senior Luncheons
Last week, I ‘did lunch’ with Southbury Seniors at our Senior Center. If you haven’t tried their lunch programs yet, I highly recommend it. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Senior Center hosts delicious eat-in lunches for its members for a $5 fee. Truly the best deal in Town! Not a member yet? Please go to the Senior Services webpage for more information.
Annual Senior Center Open House
Save the Date for the Senior Center Annual Open House scheduled for Tuesday, October 24th. Spread the word. Members, invite your friends. Registration opens October 1st
Our Town tax season came and went without a hitch thanks to Sherry Rancourt and two new members of the Town Hall Team, Tax Collector Azra Sholtes and our Floater Administrative Assistant, Angela Smith. We received numerous compliments for their fast and friendly service, timely deposits, and payment postings. Thank you to all.

Thank you to the residents who joined me on Friday, August 18th at the Southbury Lutheran Home. I enjoyed answering your questions and our conversations from Town business to learning more about you and your families.
Wendy Mutter, former Admissions & Marketing Director for the Lutheran Home, arranged “Tea & Crumpets: A Q&A with the First Selectman” on her last day of work. Wendy has made so many positive contributions to Southbury in her work at both the Lutheran Home and the Southbury Chamber of Commerce. She was also a dedicated and beloved volunteer at the Senior Center for several years as a program instructor. Congratulations on your retirement, Wendy! Southbury is going to miss you!
Public Works completed chip sealing on various Town roads and began their milling and paving schedule on East Flat Hill Road, Palmer Road, Pascoe Drive, and Silver Beech Road. Thank you for your patience as we continue to provide quality upgrades to our roads.