June 3, 2022

Join us June 16th through October 6th for this year’s Farmers’ Market. The Market takes place every Thursday from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at the Southbury Town Hall Green. A variety of vendors will have booths outside the Town Hall for you to visit. These booths will include assortments of plants, vegetables, fruit, baked goods, and much more!
Dog licensing is this month! Be sure to register your dog through the Town Clerk’s office by mail or in-person during office hours. If your dog was registered last year and their rabies certification is still current, you can save time by renewing the license online. The fees for a dog license can be found here. There is an additional $1 late fee each month after June. You can call or visit the Town Clerk’s office for additional questions.
New this year, if you registered your dog in the month of June, there will be a random drawing for tag #1. So be sure to register your dog this month for a chance to own the number one dog tag.
Parks & Recreation is in full swing, offering day camps, classes, and summer fun at the pool. The Southbury Town Pool at Ballantine Park is opening on June 18, 2022. Information on pool hours, rules, and membership fees can be found here.
Monday concert series at the Town Hall Green will be starting again this summer on July 11th from 6:00-8:00pm. Concerts are free and open to the public. Details can be found here.
On Wednesday, June 8th at 5:00pm in Room 205 of the Town Hall, there will be a presentation given by the Town regarding rehabilitation of the Flood Bridge Road and Heritage Road bridges. This meeting is open to the public as it is a Public Information Forum. It is important that the community expresses any concerns or input that they may have about this construction. If you are interested in knowing more about this project or are unable to attend the meeting, further information can be found here.

The Town has officially finished chip sealing the roads for the year. In the upcoming days, the Public Works Department will be sweeping the roads and fog sealing to help lock the chips in place. Chip sealing preserves the quality of our roads, and benefits those who travel on them, while also providing an anti-glare surface during rainy weather, reducing skid-prone surfaces, and eliminates black ice during the winter. Find more safe driving tips and explore the chip sealing process on our website. I appreciate your patience as we continue to make improvements on Southbury’s roads.
Southbury is 78.18% vaccinated against the Coronavirus, proving that the vaccines are working to keep a majority of the town’s population safe. However, we are nearing the summer and cases are still on the rise. It is important to be aware of this and take safety precautions to protect yourself and others around you. Our Local Emergency Planning Committee is dedicated to responding and minimizing the effects of this pandemic. View the latest data regarding the town’s cases here from the Housatonic Valley Health District.
As we approach the season for storm events here in the northeast, we need to take the time to evaluate our readiness and review the resources we have available in our homes to assist us during a storm should the need arise. Please refer to this link here to help guide you and your households in preparation activities. On May 24th , the town took part in a statewide hurricane exercise which was done to prepare for any storms that may happen this season. Subscribe to alert services to receive emergency communication alerts during a storm.

Memorial Day is an opportunity to recognize those who have sacrificed their lives for our country. On Monday, May 30th the Town hosted its Annual Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony. Following the parade, the Town put on a successful Family Day Picnic at Ballantine Park. I would like to thank all the brave soldiers who have sacrificed their lives to protect our country. Our loved ones will forever be remembered as heroes who made our nation stronger, and hold our communities together.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman