The Town has many fun, community events this summer that I am very excited about as we begin to return to normal life. I am glad Southburians will be able to gather together and that we are able to host our annual summer activities again that have always brought joy to our residents. I hope everyone will have a much more fulfilling and fun-filled summer than last year.
I am also very excited about the new businesses opening this summer as we continue to grow our local economy and offer more options for dining, shopping and activities. We have a variety of small locally owned businesses and national retailers coming soon that all will be able to enjoy.
As residents get out and take advantage of the beautiful weather, Town pool and our many parks, I remind everyone to stay safe and take care of themselves this summer season.
I am sure the word has gotten out about the return of the Southbury Celebration. This celebration seems more meaningful this year as it symbolizes a new beginning as we move towards normalcy and a new level of comfort getting together with our friends and neighbors. It is very important to me that we are able to host the celebration this year, and I have faith in our Emergency Management department and Southbury Celebration Committee that we will hold a safe and fun event for residents. Save the date, the celebration will be held on Saturday, October 2nd with a rain date of Sunday, October 3rd.
As I mentioned previously, we have many new businesses coming to Town this summer. I am looking forward to attending the ribbon cutting ceremonies to welcome their openings here in Southbury. Below is the list of businesses:
- Chipotle
- Southbury Plaza, 100 Main St N
- Opens mid-July
- Southbury Seafood Market
- Heritage Village, 466 Heritage Rd.
- Click here for their new website and menu
- Opens mid-July
- Fortune House
- Lucas Local Oyster & Restaurant
- Southbury Green, 775 Main St S
- Opens mid-July
- Southbury Deli
- Southbury Green, 775 Main St S
- Opens mid-August
The Monday evening concert series has a new location at the Town Hall Green, 501 Main Street South. Come join us next Monday, July 12th from 6:00pm-8:00pm for the kickoff concert, ‘60s Satisfaction. A big thank you to the Parks and Rec Departments for putting this series together. We will hold four concerts in July and August, all of which are high energy groups that will be a lot of fun. The concerts are free to attend and open to everyone. Click here for more details.
Our Public Works Department has an update that I would like to share to make residents aware of current and upcoming road work. Our crews are starting to repair and replace guide rails around Town and are continuing to maintain and cut down brush at our right of ways and critical sight lines. Southbury has 120 miles of road so please be patient as they are working hard to get to all of the impaired sight lines.
The repairs to the culverts and catch basins on Pine Rock Road are continuing. The road will be paved after the repairs are completed. Route 172, a State road, will be milled and paved very soon. Milling will begin on July 12th and paving will start on July 19th.
Thank you for your patience during the summer road work season. It can be an annoying disruption, but the Town has been working hard to maintain its roads and the end result is worth the temporary disruption to road travel.
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of former First Selectman, Harmon Andrews. At 90 years old, he passed away in his home on June 26th after battling an illness. Harmon served the Town for over 50 years as a volunteer and served as First Selectman from 1983-1984. He was also a member of the Planning Commission and Board of Assessment Appeals. Harmon will be remembered for his service and dedication to Southbury, and my condolences go out to his family during this time of mourning.
The Town entered into the Sustainable CT program certification process recently and appointed Kevin Bielmeier, our Economic Development Director, to spearhead the initiative. Kevin is working with Sustainable Southbury to identify actions the Town has already taken towards improving sustainability and the actions needed for the future in areas such as renewable and efficient energy infrastructure and well-stewarded land and natural resources. We will submit our application once we complete the required number of actions in thirteen identified areas of sustainability, joining the 128 towns already certified. This program has many benefits that make it worth the time and effort to become certified. It helps us plan for the future, create partnerships with businesses and nonprofit organizations and puts the Town on the map for its focus on sustainability. More information about the Sustainable CT program can be found here.
We currently have an opening in our Parks and Recreation Department for a Recreation Supervisor. This is a great opportunity for someone with a background in recreation and aquatics to join our active and engaged Parks and Rec team. The Recreations Supervisor manages our summer camps, aquatics program and sports leagues along with various special events. I encourage those with experience to apply for the position here.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman