Dear Southbury Citizens,
As I prepared my remarks on gratitude for this year’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at South Britain Congregational Church, I was reminded of how much we have to be thankful for living in a community like Southbury.
As the winter holidays approach, my hope is that we will carry with us the Thanksgiving spirit of gratitude and return kindness to others during this glorious season of light.
Jeff Manville
First Selectman, Town of Southbury
Due to the State’s ongoing work to finalize certain technology-related details, the transition to our independent police department has been delayed. While this was not anticipated, I want to assure you that their delay will not disrupt police services in Southbury and remains sustainable within the approved budget. The new anticipated timeline projects the transition to occur in January 2025, though an exact date has yet to be determined. We will continue to work closely with the State to ensure all necessary systems are in place for a smooth and seamless transition.
On December 5th, I attended the Pool Oversight Review Committee monthly meeting. I am happy to report the pool project is running on schedule and on budget at this stage of the construction process.
On Tuesday, December 3rd, FEMA met with our flood recovery team to review the next steps in the FEMA process related to the flooding on August 18th. Town departments represented on our flood recovery team include members from our Emergency Management, Public Works, Finance, and First Selectman’s Offices.
In the meeting we learned how FEMA will evaluate public property flood damage and how to apply for reimbursements of those damages. FEMA's damage inspector explained that he will be responsible for physically viewing the temporary repairs and reviewing our documentation. Our FEMA program manager provided an in-depth review of what they require from us to submit eligible projects for reimbursement, and FEMA's hazard mitigation coordinator offered to help with any project the town feels will need additional funds to build for resilience.
We will spend the next couple of weeks submitting our documentation, and meeting with the damage inspector and hazard mitigation specialist. We look forward to a successful outcome and will keep you informed as we receive more information.

L-to-R: Jacob Bartel, Sustainable CT fellow; Kevin Bielmeier, Southbury Economic Development Director; Chuck Litty, Founder, Sustainable Southbury; Carol Haskins, Executive Director, Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition.
On November 13th, Sustainable CT designated Southbury as a 2024 Silver Certified Community at the Sustainable CT Annual Awards Celebration. Southbury Economic Development Director Kevin Bielmeier, Executive Director of the Pomperaug Watershed Coalition Carol Haskins, and team leader for the certification effort and founder of the nonprofit, Sustainable Southbury, Chuck Litty were present at the Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center to accept the award.
Thank you to Sustainable CT for recognizing Southbury’s commitment to attaining a more sustainable community. We will continue to partner with Sustainable Southbury, the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition, and other interest groups to trial and implement appropriate initiatives to do our part toward creating a more sustainable future.

Artist finalists [L-to-R]: Faith Vicinanza, Tammy Dunn, Alejandra Pelaez Munoz.
The Arts & Culture Subcommittee hosted the Southbury 2024 Arts Awards on November 19th at Riverview Cinemas. The event celebrated Southbury’s vibrant creative community and honored the achievements of local artists who have significantly contributed to the town’s cultural landscape. Congratulations to the finalists pictured above. The Arts & Culture Subcommittee presented the 2024 Artist of the Year award to Tammy Dunn, recognizing her dedication to fostering creativity and community through her artistic endeavors. They also awarded the David K. Merrill Lifetime Achievement in the Arts to Faith Vicinanza for her decades-long contributions to the literary and artistic community, both locally and beyond.

Southbury Economic Development Director, Kevin Bielmeier, organized a panel presentation for the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Annual Convention at Mohegan Sun on Tuesday, December 10th titled "Balancing Act: How to strike that delicate balance of environmental concerns, desire for open space and the need for economic development". Mr. Bielmeier moderated a panel of professionals who offered a mix of perspectives, including economic development, land trust and open space, environmental protection, planning, zoning, and private development. The session was held in the ballroom with over one hundred in attendance and received positive feedback.
Thank you to the Southbury Women’s Club for hosting and to all those who supported another successful Southbury Turkey Trot 5K on November 18th. This community-wide event, now marking its 14th year, raises a significant amount of money to support The Southbury Food Bank, Southbury Fuel Bank and Southbury Needy Fund who need financial support now more than ever.

“Southbury’s Holiday Celebration: Be The Light!” took place Saturday, December 7th at the Southbury Firehouse and Town Hall Green. This is our holiday event’s 25th anniversary. I am immensely proud of the improvements we have made to be more inclusive of all cultures and abilities. Thank you to our Parks and Recreation Department and Michelle Rosen, Community Liaison for the Middlebury/Southbury Equity and Inclusion Council, for the work you have done to enhance this event.

Jason Buchsbaum’s first and last meetings on the Southbury Board of Selectmen.
Selectman Jason Buchsbaum’s officially resigned from the Board of Selectmen. After serving almost five terms on the Board of Selectmen, Jason’s last meeting was December 5th. Jason’s knowledge and experience have been an asset to the Town. Jason, thank you for your valuable service to Southbury and the important contributions you have made in all the roles you served. Please join me in congratulating and wishing Jason all the best in his new role as our State Representative for the 69th District.