Hello Southbury Citizens,
As the result of hard work, extensive research, and the collaboration of town staff, boards and commissions, and outside partners, major town projects have been making considerable progress. I am excited to share these updates as well as other Southbury news with you.
I would also like to remind you that if you have a question or concern, I invite you to please contact my office. My office, the Town website, or Town social media accounts are the best places to get reliable information. Social media sites not administered by the Town do not always provide accurate information.
Have a wonderful day!
First Selectman Jeffrey Manville, Town of Southbury

On Wednesday, May 8th, residents passed both the Town and Region 15 School budgets by an overwhelming margin. Please see the links below to view the budgets for the new fiscal year starting July 1, 2024.
I want to thank the citizens of Southbury who took the time to vote on the town and school budgets. My administration appreciates the confidence shown that we continue to deliver quality services to our taxpayers. My goal is to continue to provide the high quality of life for Southbury citizens that you have come to expect.
Links to Budget Information:
At a Special Meeting on May 8, 2024 the Board of Selectman approved the allocation of funds from the Town’s bridge reserve fund for a temporary solution to open River Road on a limited basis. Work on the project is scheduled to begin next week with a projected completion date of June 30th. The goal is to get River Road open so there will be a second egress during the Purchase Brook Road culvert replacement project. The permitting will be led by First Light who will work with DEEP and the Army Corps of Engineers. Sightline improvement measures will also be made during this project. Testing and monitoring of the road will continue as the project moves forward to ensure the road remains safe for vehicles.
A Town Meeting will take place prior to the Board of Selectmen meeting to appropriate the funds. Meeting Information: Thursday, June 6, 2024, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall Room 208.
Yesterday, we received the Army Corps of Engineers permit for the Purchase Brook Road bridge project.
Upon the recommendation of the Pool Project Oversight Committee and Silver Petrucelli & Associates, the Ballantine Park Pool Improvement project was awarded to Norco Construction, Inc. by the Board of Selectman at a May 8th Special Meeting. The bid of $2,377,815 is well below the budgeted amount of $3.4 million, but there will be additional costs during the project that are over and above the bid amount such as a Clerk of the Works to oversee the project. Ballantine Pool is on schedule to open for the 2024 season on June 12, 2024.

On May 8th, I met onsite with Eversource, Lewis Tree, Public Works, and former Tree Warden, Pat Kearns, to discuss the overgrown trees interfering with essential power and communication lines on Main Street South. We discussed the pros and cons of trimming the trees versus removing the trees and replanting alternatives. Eversource agreed to provide detailed photos, an engineering report, and a replanting plan to present to the Town for further discussion. If new trees or plantings are needed, staff will be onsite to hand select them after checking for defects and evaluating their overall health. The trees being considered are trees that have outlived their location.
Construction work was recently completed on the Fire Department’s three-bay garage. The Fire Department is currently using the building for storage.
My administration’s targeted efforts towards increasing our bond ratings are paying off. We received the email below from Joshua Smith, Region 15 Superintendent, notifying the Town that the Region has achieved the highest bond rating available to them.
On Apr 29, 2024, at 1:59?PM, Joshua Smith wrote:
Good afternoon,
I am forwarding you our recent bond rating from Moody's. It was sent to the press as well so there may be an article in the paper this week. I know I speak on behalf of the Board when I say how much we appreciate your partnership and sound fiscal practices of both towns. Part of our rating is related to the town's financials, and it helped that both towns have strong balance sheets. Based on Moody's process, the highest rating we can have is 1 level below the towns. Unless the state changes the scope of how we can use reserves, we must follow the town rating. If the scope were to change (there is a proposal in this year's session) we could move to the same level as the towns. However, we are very proud to be at the highest rating available to us.
Thank you for your collaboration and please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Joshua Smith, Superintendent, Region 15 Public Schools

Please join me in welcoming our newest officer, Kimberly Hannigan, to the Southbury Police Department. Officer Hannigan was sworn-in on April 24th and left for training at the Connecticut Police Academy shortly after. Congratulations to Officer Hannigan as she completes the first step in her journey as a Southbury police officer.
I am pleased to announce that Deborah Zachariewicz, Southbury Planning Administrative Assistant, has been named to the 2024 Municipal Clerks Honor Roll. The Municipal Clerks Honor Roll is a special national recognition program which acknowledges and pays tribute to municipal clerks around the country who give so much to their communities every day.
Throughout Debbie’s 35-year career with the Town of Southbury, she has served as an administrative assistant for the Fiscal, Parks and Recreation, and Land Use Departments. When nominating Debbie for this honor, Southbury Planning Director, Jordan Marcinko noted that Debbie operated as a Zoning Administrative Assistant for 18 years throughout some of the most intense development Southbury experienced, providing exceptional guidance and organization for hundreds of projects.
I join Jordan in thanking Debbie for her dedication to the Town and the critical historical and statutory knowledge she provides to the Land Use Department. Please join us in congratulating Debbie on this well-deserved honor.

Our Public Works Department took ownership of several new vehicles. With the assistance of our Finance Team, we have developed an extensive vehicle replacement program as well as a vehicle repair and maintenance program. These programs ensure the equipment that maintains our roads and infrastructure is current and reliable leading our Public Works Department to operate in an efficient manner.

Mary Silverman, Southbury’s Social Services Director, provides valuable information and guidance regarding available social services. Last week Mary gave an in-person presentation at Grace Meadows to provide attendees with information regarding Connecticut’s Rental Rebate Program. For more information on programs that may be available to you, please contact our Social Services Department.
05/16-05/19 Friends of the Library Clearance Book Sale
Books for all ages, DVDs, music CDs, audiobooks on CD, jigsaw puzzles, games, vinyl, art and more.
05/22 Fundraiser for Friends of Southbury Animal Control
Miranda's Restaurant generously offered to donate 10% of their proceeds on May 22nd to the Friends of Southbury Animal Control. Please mention “Southbury Animal Control” when you order your food!
05/27 Annual Memorial Day Parade & Picnic
Parade: 11:00 a.m. sharp starting from Pomperaug Office Park, down Main Street South, and ending at the Veterans Memorial Green.
Picnic: 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. Activities: inflatables, face painting, foam cannon (dress to get messy), music, food and more.
Food: Boy Scout Troop 1607 will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks. You can buy food or bring your own. Veterans will receive a free meal compliments of the Troop.
06/02 Low-Cost Rabies Clinic for Dogs and Cats
1:00 to 3:00 pm at the Southbury Town Garage on Peter Road
$25 per animal, no residency requirement. Dogs must be on a leash; cats must be in a carrier.
Provided by Southbury Animal Control and Southbury Veterinary Hospital.
For more details of the events listed about and other events happening in Town, please visit our website at https://southbury-ct.org/events.