Our Department Heads work diligently with our Finance Department to secure State and Federal Grants. When making large purchases or funding expensive projects, we investigate the possibility of using grant money first. These grants enable us to purchase equipment upgrades, vehicles, secure funding for expensive culvert and bridge repairs, expand recreation through trails and connectivity grants, amongst many other uses. I would like to thank our Department Heads who diligently search for and fill out tedious applications to obtain grant money for the Town. Several of the grants we recently received were in our Emergency Management, Senior Center, and Public Works Departments.
Emergency Management Grants
The State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection, Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security has recently awarded the Town of Southbury EMPG Grants funds for FY21 and FY23 totaling $20,708.80. We anticipate that we will receive $9,785 for the awarded FY22 grant soon.
Southbury Emergency Management Director, Stephen Schnell, is currently in the process of applying for the EMPG FY23 Competitive Pool Funding of $25,000 which is designated for upgrades to the Town of Southbury Emergency Operations Center.
Southbury Senior Center Grants

The Town purchased a new Senior Center bus last week thanks to a grant we received in the amount of $133,225. With all the programming the Senior Center has planned, I am sure it will get plenty of use.
Our Senior Services Director, Andrea Corcoran, is also completing this year’s MGP Grant for our Dial-A-Ride program. This grant will bring in $14,000 per quarter to run buses to Danbury and Waterbury for senior medical transportation.
Public Works Grants
Grant funds are being used for several culvert projects in Town. In addition, 2023 STEAP grant funding will be used to make proposed improvements to the Southbury Transfer Station.

On Monday, First Selectman Manville met with Connecticut DOT and DEEP at the Larkin Bridle Trail to discuss potential improvements to the trail path and crosswalk on Route 67. The trail and Route 67 are both owned and maintained by the State. The Town of Southbury and the State are partnering together to evaluate, fund, and implement appropriate upgrades. The State is requiring further studies be conducted at the site to determine if blinking lights are appropriate at the crosswalk.
A Public Information Meeting on the Poverty Road Bridge will take place at 4:30 p.m. at Sarah Cooke Hall at Heritage Village Center and at 7 p.m. at Southbury Town Hall, Room 205, on Wednesday, April 24th. Project engineers will present project information, answer questions, and take comments from the public.
The Town of Southbury received State Department of Public Health (DPH) approval for the proposed swimming pool plans on April 1, 2024.
Officer DeSanto Graduates the Police Academy

Congratulations to Officer DeSanto, Southbury’s latest Connecticut Police Academy graduate! We wish you well as you embark on your career as a Southbury Police Officer.
“Cones with Cops”

On Tuesday, April 17th, Southbury Police Officers participated in a community event called “Cones with Cops” at local ice cream shop, Scoopin’. Police Sergeant Chris Grillo commented that the feedback from the children and parents was nothing but praise and support for our officers. He expressed his thanks to the police department staff and officers, “Your efforts in giving back to the community are what makes this department so great. Events like this foster trust and legitimacy amongst our residents and continue to strengthen public support. Your commitment to this Town reaches far beyond just making children happy.” I would like to thank our Police Officers and PD staff for all they do to support our community and keeping our Southbury residents safe.

Yesterday, Officer Armeno teamed up with our Senior Services team to present “Don’t Get Scammed!” to Senior Center members. Officer Armeno provided essential information regarding the potential risks of online and telephone frauds. Scammers often target older adults; therefore, they need to be particularly mindful of potential risks to their life savings. The event was well attended and is another example of Town efforts to protect our residents.
The CRTF is accepting applications from high school juniors to join their task force during their senior year. This is a fantastic opportunity for a student to learn about and contribute to local government and have a voice in their community. A special thank you to Gabby Leonardi who has served as CRTF’s most recent student representative.

A reminder that Public Safety Day takes place this Sunday, April 21st from 1-4 p.m. at the Southbury Center Firehouse located at 461 Main Street South. You can find the full list of details on our website.

Southbury’s Arbor Day Celebration will start at 9:00 a.m. on April 26th at Lakeside Park on Scout Road. The event, sponsored by the Southbury Historical Tree Restoration Committee, will celebrate our 26th consecutive Tree City USA award and the three new shade trees planted at Lakeside Park by our Public Works Department. The HTRC will continue the tradition of providing Fraser Fir saplings and conducting an Arbor Day presentation via Zoom to all Region 15 Kindergarten students.