The Town of Southbury Planning Commission has formally adopted the municipality’s final 2022 Plan of Conservation and Development. The document is available on the Town’s website at, and in print at Town Hall, 501 Main Street South, in the Town Clerk and Land Use offices, and the Library, 100 Poverty Road.
Work on the plan was overseen by the town’s Planning Commission, the staff of the Land Use Department and Cheshire-based consulting firm, SLR International. Input from town residents through work sessions, and the support of the volunteers that are on the boards and commissions, help determine the Town’s top priorities.
The Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) is a long-range visionary document that reflects community consensus on all aspects of future growth in Town. It articulates a clear vision, and constitutes a guide for the future development of Southbury. This vision is further expressed in the POCD goals and objectives which are supported by the regulations. The strategies used to manage the change in land uses and resource protection can shape the community character and affect the lives of residents and property owners long into the future.
“Our Commission has been working on this plan for more than a year with our staff and consultant, incorporating community input along the way,” said Richard Teardo, Chairman of Southbury’s Planning Commission. “We are proud to release this guiding document for the Town’s next decade.”
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