Each month, as part of our 350th Anniversary Celebration, local historians will be offering highlights of Southbury’s history in the form of History Blogs.
This month, as Southbury gears up for Restaurant Week, which kicks off this Saturday, February 4th and runs through the 11th, Town Historian John Dwyer, asks: Have you ever wondered if our forefathers went out to eat? To Find out the answer read this month’s History Blog. For more about Restaurant Week go to Southbury Restaurant Week.
The Town of Southbury is holding events and activities all year long to celebrate 350 years of community, culture and history (1673-2023), aimed at highlighting the past and progress of the one and only Southbury. For information on all of the 350th events and activities, visit www.southbury-ct.org/350.
The 350th Anniversary Steering Committee is made up of John Dwyer and Kevin Bielmeier (co-chairs), Brian Jones (vice-chair), Justin Bette, Lynn Dwyer, Melinda Elliott, Michael Ganem, Kara Kenney, Mary Korsu, and Gosia Liedlich.