Sustainable Southbury and The Southbury Public Library are pleased to announce a winner of the Town Poet Laureate program they launched in August 2022.
Three appointed judges chose Faith Vicinanza, a Southbury resident, author of 4 published books of poetry and a visual artist who will serve as Southbury’s First Town Poet Laureate until October 2025.
A Town Poet Laureate’s job is to promote poetry and creative writing in their community as well as read their poetry at town events. Faith Vicinanza will be working with members of Sustainable Southbury and the Southbury Public library to plan and organize these events.
Sustainable Southbury is an organization that works with the Town of Southbury on promoting and implementing the Town’s sustainability initiatives. Southbury has achieved Bronze level certification from Sustainable CT, which is a statewide initiative that inspires and supports communities in becoming more efficient, resilient, and inclusive across 12 sustainable impact areas. One of those areas is vibrant arts and culture.
Head Librarian Shirley Thorson, Reference Librarian Rebecca Randall, and Sustainable Southbury member Fadwa Najamy worked together to start this Town Poet Laureate program modeled after the CT Coalition of Poet Laureates recommendations. “We hope this is the beginning of a long tradition for Southbury as we have set up guidelines and policies for the future.” states Fadwa Najamy.
Events such as poetry readings, Open Mic nights and workshops will be announced as they are scheduled throughout the Town Poet Laureate’s three year term.

PHOTO : from left-
Southbury Public Library Head Librarian Shirely Thorson, Reference Librarian Rebecca Randall, Town Poet Laureate Faith Vicinanza, Sustainable Southury member Fadwa Najamy and Southbury First Selectman Jeffrey Manville.