December 10, 2021
The Administration of Oaths Ceremony took place this past Monday at Town Hall. I welcome all Board and Commission members and look forward to working with you all. It will be helpful to have three fresh perspectives on the Board of Selectmen to help us look at Town matters in new and different ways and enhance our decision making on important issues affecting Southbury. The first regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held on December 16th at 7:00pm, and I hope residents will come out to support the new and returning members.

Standing: Selectman Jason Buchsbaum, Selectman Gregory Kuehn, Selectman Justin Bette
Sitting: Selectman Holly Sullivan, First Selectman Jeff Manville, Selectman John Diehl
The tree at Town Hall is now lit to celebrate the holiday season. The tree lighting ceremony was held on December 4th with help from many organizations in Town. I’d like to thank Jim Tornatore from the Parks and Recreation Commission for his great job as the master of ceremonies and Rochambeau Middle School for their caroling performance. The Southbury Girl Scouts Troop 64101 placed beautiful gifts under the tree and the Southbury Cub Scouts Pack 162 provided the luminaries for attendees. The crowd had hot chocolate from the Knights of Columbus Council 5066 and H.H. Stone provided the flatbed truck for the performances. The Fire Department brought Santa to light the tree on their Engine 5, and Kim and Bob Phelan brought a sled for holiday pictures. I want to thank all of these organizations for their help with this event as well as the Southbury Parks and Recreation Department and Public Works Department for their help organizing and executing the ceremony.

I am proud to announce that five of our Public Works employees have graduated with multiple certifications from the CT Training and Technical Assistance Center. Road Foreman, Tom Farrelly, had the honor of being one of the guest speakers at the graduation ceremony. I want to congratulate them for their hard work and initiative in completing their certification courses and appreciate their dedication to improving their skillsets in their roles as Public Works employees.
- Thomas Farrelly - Connecticut Road Master, Road Scholar, Traffic Signal Technician Level 1
- Daniel Gaipa - Connecticut Road Master, Road Scholar, Traffic Signal Technician Level 1
- Josh Kupec - Connecticut Public Works Academy Program
- Nathan Lewis - Connecticut Public Works Academy Program
- Jesse Marino - Connecticut Public Works Academy Program

The Pomperaug Health District and Griffin Hospital will be holding two COVID-19 vaccine and booster clinics in Southbury on Sunday, December 12th and Sunday December 19th at the Parks and Recreation Building at 561 Main Street South. There will also be clinics in Oxford on December 11th and Woodbury on December 12th and 19th. Click here to make an appointment.
I’d like to remind business owners in Southbury about the regulations for temporary signs. A Zoning Permit is required to display signs, even if they are temporary. Permits can be applied for through our online permitting system, found here. I appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our Zoning regulations.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman