November 19, 2021
Thanksgiving is upon us, and I am looking forward to spending time with my family this holiday season. This year we will be able to gather together safely now that the spread of COVID-19 has slowed in the state. Last year has made my appreciation for the time I spend with my family even greater, and I am grateful for their continuous love and support. I hope all Southburians will enjoy their Thanksgiving celebrations this year and give thanks for the time they are able to spend together.
I invite everyone to attend the annual Southbury Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving morning beginning at 8:30am at Revv Fitness Club. Main Street South from 730 Main Street South to Main Street North will be closed from 8:00am-10:30am for the event. This 5k race and Kids Fun Run organized by the Southbury Women’s Club will benefit the Southbury Food Bank, Fuel Bank and Needy Fund. These nonprofits are in need of donations this holiday season, and the Turkey Trot is a great way to support their missions. November 20th is the last day to register; details and registration information can be found here.
Words cannot describe the debt of gratitude that is due to our Nation's Veterans. I am grateful for all who attended the annual Veterans Day Ceremony last Thursday to honor those who have served America throughout our Nation’s history. I would like to thank the Southbury VFW for organizing the event and their dedicated service to our country.

Elected Town Officials will be sworn in on December 6 at 7:00pm at Southbury Town Hall. It is a great honor to be serving Southbury for another two years. I welcome all of the new Board and Commission members and thank the returning members for their continued service. I am looking forward to working collaboratively with the new Boards and Commissions in leading the Town towards a sustainable future.
The Southbury Police Department has organized their annual toy and gift drive which is back in-person this year at the Southbury Plaza. The event will be held on November 26th from 10:00am-2:00pm. This drive benefits the Southbury Needy Fund that provides gifts to children for the holidays. They are looking for toys, books, games and essentials like backpacks, blankets and sheets. Donations are appreciated as there are many children and teens in Southbury who need our help to make their holidays special this season. Click here for more information.
On November 4th, the Southbury Board of Selectmen approved and adopted the Town’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Plan. The plan was developed by the Southbury EMS Committee, Southbury Ambulance Association, Heritage Village Ambulance Association, the Southbury Police Department and Southbury Training School Fire Department. The purpose of the EMS Plan is to communicate information about the local EMS system to all stakeholders, including EMS organization leaders, citizens and regional and State policy makers. The plan is also an important mechanism to frame objectives and methods for improving the EMS system.
The EMS Committee and service providers have worked hard to develop this comprehensive plan. It is an important step in documenting the Town’s EMS framework and procedures and outlining best practices to provide the highest quality services to residents. I want to thank all involved in its creation over the past few years.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman