I have been closely monitoring the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Southbury with our Emergency Management Director and Pomperaug Health District. After receiving the updated COVID-19 data last week, I made the decision to implement a mask mandate in municipal buildings beginning this past Monday to protect the health and safety of Town employees and citizens. As we continue to monitor the spread of the Delta variant, I will work with the health district, Emergency Management and Board of Selectmen to discuss the potential of additional mitigation measures if necessary to protect public health. Masks are currently recommended by the State of Connecticut in all indoor public spaces, so I encourage residents to wear a mask to protect themselves and their fellow citizens.
The Town has been awarded an Affordable Housing Plan Technical Assistance Grant in the amount of $6,500 from the State of Connecticut Department of Housing. This money will be used to offset the fee to write the Town’s Affordable Housing Plan. SLR, formerly Milone and MacBroom, will be developing the plan in coincidence with our Plan of Conservation and Development update beginning this year. I want to thank Sharon Wirt and Trish Stewart, two dedicated Southbury residents, who brought this grant to our Finance Director’s attention. Southbury is well known for its volunteers and engaged citizens who provide an important service to this town.
I think it is important to provide details to the public about the new law legalizing cannabis in Connecticut and how Southbury is moving forward with its implementation. The Land Use Department has created a pamphlet that is available in their office at Town Hall and will soon be more widely distributed. This pamphlet explains the Zoning Commission’s role in developing marijuana regulations and includes details about retail sales, the tax structure and growing for personal consumption. Information from the pamphlet is also available here on the Town website. Any questions can be directed to the Land Use Department. I hope this will be helpful to residents as an accurate and reliable source of information regarding marijuana legalization.
The Southbury Celebration Committee has been busy planning this year’s celebration set for October 2nd. We are looking for students and adults who would like to perform music with broad appeal to the diverse attendees at the event. We want to support and showcase the local talent, so I welcome musicians to submit here for a chance to perform. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, August 29th.
The Southbury Public Library is compiling memories of 9/11 from the community in honor of the 20th anniversary. We each have our own unique experiences of where we were on 9/11 that have been etched into our memories. I hope residents will share these memories in order to remember this tragic day in American history and honor all of the lives lost. Stories can be submitted here to be included in the compilation.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman