Last Wednesday, the Board of Selectmen met to discuss the offensive sign that was displayed at the corner of Main Street North and Main Street South on July 24th. We as a board issued a statement condemning the display. I would like to make residents aware of this statement against hate and bigotry issued on July 28th:
“The Board of Selectmen has been informed that a group of protestors at the corner of Main Street North and Main Street South displayed a swastika on Saturday, July 24, 2021.
We are saddened and disturbed to learn that this has occurred in our Town. Southbury has a rich history of opposition to the Nazi symbol and what it stands for. The display of a swastika or similar symbols of hate, which are a false analogy to the reality of the Holocaust, have no place in Southbury. Displays such as this cheapen the memory of the millions lives lost and ignore the trauma that lasts for generations. While our Board certainly respects the right of protestors to assemble peacefully and speak freely on topics of interest to them, we condemn in the strongest possible terms the use of any symbols of hate to do so. The display of a swastika in the Town of Southbury is contrary to everything we believe in as a community.
Our Board stands strongly against hate and bigotry in all its forms, and together with all those in our community who expect and deserve to know that their elected leaders will work together to ensure that all people feel safe in Southbury.”
Southbury has been awarded $5.79 million dollars from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act. The Board of Selectmen has formed a task force to recommend the best use of the funds. We have created a space on the Town website for residents to submit suggestions on how they think the Town should spend the money within the guidelines. I think it is important to hear from members of the community when making important financial decisions that will impact residents. The task force will take all ideas into consideration and plans to meet with stakeholders in Town as they develop their recommendations. Click here to submit your suggestions.
The Southbury Seafood Market has opened in the Heritage Village shopping center. I attended the ribbon cutting ceremony on July 26th to welcome this new business to Town. The market offers a variety of seafood dishes from their kitchen such as lobster rolls and fish and chips as well as raw and cooked fish and pre-made meals. The market is a wonderful addition to our community, and I wish them success here in Southbury. For more information, see their website.

This coming Monday, August 9th, the Town is hosting a movie night at the Town Hall Green with a showing of “Trolls: World Tour”. Tom “T-Bone” Stankus, a musician with a comedic twist, will also provide entertainment before the movie begins. This is a great opportunity for families to spend time together and is free of charge. Click here for more information.
The spotted lantern fly was spotted in Fairfield and Westport last week. This is the largest population found to date in Connecticut. The spotted lantern fly is an invasive species from Asia that attacks and destroys crops such as apples, grapes and hops. This species is a threat to Connecticut agriculture and it is important to keep it from spreading. If residents find any spotted lantern flies, please take a picture, collect it if you can and report it to ReportSLF@ct.gov.
This week is National Farmers’ Market Week, and I invite Southbury residents to continue to enjoy everything offered at the Southbury Farmers’ Market as well as shopping locally at the farms themselves. For a list of Southbury farms, see here. Also look for the “Connecticut Grown” designation on products as another way to support our farmer community. The Southbury Farmers’ Market is planning to start selling beer and wine; onsite consumption of alcohol will be prohibited. More news will be coming about these exciting new additions to the market.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman