May 14, 2021
Dear Southbury Citizens,
I am happy to report that the annual Town and School budgets passed at the May 5th referendum with overwhelming support. We were able to create a budget that is fiscally responsible without cutting any services to citizens. After the budgets passed, the Board of Finance held a special meeting to set the mill rate. The Board voted to keep the rate at 29.3 mills resulting in no tax increases for next fiscal year. Referendum results can be found here.
Last week, we got the very exciting news that our credit rating has been upgraded by Moody’s Investors Service to Aa1 from Aa2. This upgrade to our bond rating reflects the fiscal health of our town and is well above the median rating of Aa3 for US cities. The Town will now be able to borrow at lower interest rates which will provide savings to taxpayers. For more information on the bond rating upgrade, click here.
In honor of National Police Week, I would like to thank our police officers for all their hard work and dedication in serving and protecting our residents with professionalism and integrity.

The Town meeting for the purchase of 40 acres of open space at 864 South Britain Road was held on May 6th. It was approved unanimously by the many residents who came out to vote. This land will be of great benefit to the Town in helping to preserve its character and provide trails and recreation areas for residents and visitors to enjoy.
The Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition applied on behalf of the Southbury Training School for a grant to control the highly invasive water chestnut infestation in Lake Stibbs. We submitted a letter in support of the project for the application and are happy to report that they received notification from DEEP last week that they were awarded the grant. Water chestnut forms dense, floating mats that clog the water in shallow areas and decreases the oxygen available for aquatic life. It is a detriment to boating, fishing and swimming. If left uncontrolled, there is the possibility that the water chestnut will spread downstream to Lake Zoar and further down the Housatonic River to Long Island Sound. I am thankful for the hard work and dedication of the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition for taking initiative to combat this disruptive invasive species.
The roadwork season is now upon us, and chip sealing is set to begin May 17th, weather permitting. The updated schedule can be found here.
I want to remind residents of a great program the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments is holding this spring. They are offering backyard composters and rain barrels at discounted prices to all residents of the Naugatuck Valley Region. The Town is looking for ways to improve sustainability through its Energy Task Force and membership in Sustainable CT. I encourage residents to participate in this program to help conserve water, grow healthy plants and protect the environment. Items need to be ordered online and picked up in person but one of the pick-up locations is Southbury! Click here for more details.
Jeff Manville
Southbury First Selectman