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Legal Notices

11/20/2024 - Inland Wetlands Commission: Actions Taken at Meeting on November 12, 2024

Town of Southbury
Inland Wetlands Commission

At their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024, the Southbury Inland Wetlands Commission took the following actions:

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# 1742: 105 Lakemere Drive, Southbury CT 06288. Ms. Susanne Hooper (Applicant/Owner). Approval to build a poured concrete retaining wall finished in stone veneer with blue stone cap on top. Additionally, make slight modifications and repairs to the supporting structures for the garage.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION FOR PHASE 1 OF THE APPLICATION INVOLVING CLEAN-UP ONLY: Application# F-2006: 1674 Georges Hill Road, Southbury CT 06288. Brookhill LLC. (Applicant); Mr. Russel Handleman (Representing Applicant). Approval to fill the area next to the garage by replacing the soil that was eroded by the August 18, 2024 storm flooding and stake for the winter with grass mat.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2007: 1040 Purchase Brook Road and 1042 Purchase Brook Road, Southbury CT 06488. Mr. Kenneth Dunaj (1040 owner/applicant) and Ms. Jessica Fonovic (1042 Applicant/Owner). Approval to repair common driveway. Emergency repairs to replace culvert and driveway washed out due to flooding. Approximate wetland impact is 0.26 acres and upland review area of 0.20 acres.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2013: 508 Southford Road, Southbury CT 06288. Mr. Thomas Hartley (Applicant/Owner). Approval to complete emergency repairs to shared driveway, two culverts running through driveway. Driveway is impassable for large vehicles like emergency vehicles and heating oil service trucks. Additionally clean up flood debris from the pond on the property.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2014: 1370 Jeremy Swamp Road, Southbury CT 06288. Mr. Blake Leonard (Applicant/Owner). Approval to do temporary repairs to the flood damaged driveway in order to create access to home. Photos attached with this application. APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS AND FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2015: 1554 Georges Hill Road, Southbury CT 06288. Mr. Joseph Chapman (Applicant/Owner). Approval to remove and replace damaged bridge on a single access driveway serving three single family dwellings namely 1550 Georges Hill Road, 1552 Georges Hill Road and 1554 Georges Hill Road.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2016: 19 Upper Fish Rock Road, Southbury CT 06288. Mr. Michael Mallin (Applicant/Owner). The left ledge of the driveway washed out from the August 18th 2024 storm flooding. Approval to build a path from Upper Fish Rock Road to the brook for machine access; build rip-rap wall on the property line; rebuild slope to driveway; and rebuild outlet swale.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS, PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION AND STIPULATION THAT NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED UNTIL ALL INVOLVED PARTIES COME TO A MUTUAL AGREEMENT: Application# F-2017: 306 Southford Road, Southbury CT 06288. Ms. Donna Stevens-Jacobs (Applicant/Owner). Approval to rebuild in the former footprint of driveway. Two 60 x 40 feet ADS culvert, utilizing the stone below. Finalizing with guardrail and paving. The contractor has performed other work with the Army Corps of Engineers. Site plan provided.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2018: 74 Bridle Path, Southbury CT 06288. Mr. Gregory Corvigno (Applicant/Owner). The sediment height is over 4 feet starting from culvert upstream from driveway. Stream has diverted and cutting into the property yard. Approval for rechanneling the stream to the original flow.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION FOR PHASE 1 OF THE APPLICATION INVOLVING ONLY CLEAN-UP: Application# F-2020: 1318 and 1327 Jeremy Swamp Road, Southbury CT 06288. Mr. Tony Craig and Mr. Idris Rheubottom (Applicants/Owners). Approval to conduct extensive repairs to property including but not limited to the waterways, dams, patios, driveways and landscaping ravished by the flood damage from the August 18, 2024 storm. Site plans provided and continue to be provided for the complete extent of repairs.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application # 1738: 228 Burr Road, Southbury, CT 06488. Mr. & Mrs. James and Pamela Cotter (applicant/owner). **Previously Approved to install a 16x32 above ground swimming pool in the backyard (actual footprint is 20x42). The pool would be within the 50 feet of uplands review area. The proposed area would need to be leveled within the upland review area. Approval to change from **previously approved ‘above- ground’ pool permit TO new permit for ‘in-ground’ pool. Site plan provided.

APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AND PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION: Application# F-2010: 165 Lee Farm Drive, Southbury CT 06488. Ms. Jenna Wilkie (Applicant/Owner). Approval to repair damage to the property due to August 18, 2024 storm flooding. Drainage from the residences behind as well as the street flowed into the small stream which quickly overflowed. This ultimately has led to re-routing the drain pipe resulting in the property yard as the new route for the water drainage which has moved and exposed the town pipes along with the septic pipes. Fifty to seventy cubic yards of materials were washed out due to the flood clogging the storm drain culvert.

Dated in Southbury, Connecticut this 12th day of November, 2024.

William Spencer, Chairman