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8/22/2023 - "CLEAR DAY THUNDER: Rescuing the American Chestnut" Film Viewing

The American chestnut was a mighty wonder that graced the forests of Appalachia, much of New England and the northeast, and parts of the Midwest. It sustained all forms of life and embraced us, from cradle to grave. At the turn of the 20th century, a deadly blight accidentally imported into the U.S. from Asia devastated the American chestnut. Within a span of only two generations, the tree was nearly extinct.

The new documentary film "CLEAR DAY THUNDER: Rescuing the American Chestnut" tells the story of passionate citizen scientists and researchers working to restore this ecologically and economically important species, during this pivotal moment. The film will be followed by a question-and-answer period with a Board Member of The American Chestnut Foundation, Connecticut Chapter.


Event: "CLEAR DAY THUNDER: Rescuing the American Chestnut" Film Viewing
Event Date: 8/22/2023
Event Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Admission Fee: Free
Registration Instructions: Register at
Event Organizers/Contact: The American Chestnut Foundation, Connecticut Chapter and Southbury Public Library
Event Location: Southbury Public Library, 100 Poverty Road, Southbury, CT

clear day thunder film poster