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10/20/2023 - Statement from the Southbury Board of Selectmen

The Southbury Board of Selectmen at a meeting held on October 19, 2023 passed the following statement:

"Our Board has issued statements in recent years condemning hate and bigotry in all its forms and reaffirms those statements this evening. We hereby condemn the violent attacks by Hamas against Israel and the Jewish people. We have a strong and vibrant Jewish community in Southbury, and we join our friends and neighbors in mourning the loss of life, in hoping for the safe return of those taken, and praying for peace in the region and for their peaceful existence here, abroad and in Israel. We stand unified with our Jewish friends and neighbors and all people of goodwill during this difficult time."

Southbury Board of Selectmen

Jeffrey A. Manville, First Selectman
Justin Bette, Selectman
Jason Buchsbaum, Selectman
John Diehl, Selectman
Gregory Kuehn, Selectman
Holly Sullivan, Selectman